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Visit of INTEXTER students to the Folgarolas Téxtil facilities.

Last month, Folgarolas Téxtil had the pleasure of welcoming students from the Institute for Textile Research and Industrial Cooperation of Terrassa (INTEXTER), an academic unit of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. This meeting marked another step in our commitment to fostering young talent and strengthening the relationship between the academic sector and the textile industry.
We would like to express our gratitude to INTEXTER and the students who participated in this visit. It was an honour to share our work and perspectives on the future of the textile sector. We are excited about the possibility of collaborating on future projects and activities that will drive growth and innovation in the industry.
Explorando la innovación textil

Reaffirming our commitment to innovation, sustainability and expansion of the textile future

During the visit, students had the opportunity to see our facilities up close to discover the production processes. We showed them how we integrate advanced technology and sustainability into each phase of our textile production.

Interact with our team of experts

At Folgarolas Téxtil, we firmly believe in the importance of supporting and nurturing new generations of professionals. We consider initiatives like this to be essential to connect students with the industrial reality and foster an exchange of ideas that enriches both them and us.
Learn about our research and development initiatives: We present some of our most recent projects, focused on the creation of sustainable and innovative fabrics.
Our professionals shared their experience and answered questions about current trends and challenges in the textile sector.

Thank you for visiting and we hope to see you soon!

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